Hello world!

As you can probably tell, this is not a Shopify website. (Actually, you can’t tell a lot of sites are powered by Shopify because the site is masked with a custom domain name. It’s better for business that way. This much I know.)

So if this is not a Shopify site, what in the world is it? It’s a good name right?

Shopify Power. Except to be clear with that huge honking disclaimer at the top of the page, there’s no affiliation with Shopify.com whatsoever. In fact, when I bought the domain name, I didn’t know what I was going to do with it. I thought maybe a podcast. (Who knows, maybe I will do that. You can let me know if I should in the comments if you like.)

But no, I started this blog today out of frustration in dealing with trials and tribulations of trying to start an ecommerce business.

I was so frustrated last night that I was beyond frustrated. Why?

Because for no good reason, Instagram would not approve my site for tagging. And Facebook is in perma-review status.

And you know why I was so frustrated because I’m not dealing with a real person. I am dealing with AI. I dealt with a real person at Shopify before I connected Facebook and Instagram. I was very worried about doing it right. I thought I had.

But no such luck. Again, really. This is my second attempt at a Shopify store. It’s a long story. I can’t tell it all at once. That’s why I set up this blog. You’ll have to come back to learn more.

Forget the future threat of the bots taking over the world by the way, they already have.

But instead of drowning my sorrows, or developing a cocaine or meth addiction or eating a pint of ice cream, I decided I would write this blog to vent my frustrations. It’s a little less self-destructive. I’m beginning to think that starting an e-commerce business is self-destructive or that I’m crazy or both. You can let me know.

But I don’t think I’m the only person trying to start a business and hitting their head against a wall. Maybe misery loves company after all. Maybe you want to tell me your sob story too. Maybe you can solve my problems.

Maybe there’s some truth to value in failing and if so, this blog will be priceless. Because I have failed. A lot. You can laugh at me and say I’m glad I’m not Incognito Guy.

That’s what blogs started off being you now, a public diary of sorts. Now we think of them as pure marketing vehicles. But a blog is basically a web log. If a girl had coded it, she might have called it a web diary. Bdiary does not have the same cache as blog, but I digress.

Well, that’s probably enough for now. I don’t want to overwhelm you. I just wanted to start this thing. I don’t know how often I’m going to post. I may post multiple times in a day to avoid drinking or eating or otherwise jumping off a bridge. Or I may not post for a bit.

This blog is purely for selfish reasons. I have to have something to be selfish about. I have to have something I can control. So here we go. I am going to control venting my frustrations and you can tag along for the laughs. I hope someone finds something humorous about it. Because maybe that will help me keep my sanity.

So Hello World. I’ve been around the block or internet a few times and never bothered to say hi. Sorry. I should introduce myself to the neighbors more often. Hi. You can borrow sugar, salt or eggs any time. If I have a spare piece of code or something, you can have that too. You can’t take it with you.


Incognito Guy

One thought on “Hello world!”

  1. Hi, this is a comment.
    It’s kinda cool. I can talk to myself here and say that I feel your pain. This post would look ridiculous if I had no comments right? That’s why WordPress kindly fills a sample in for you. So you don’t feel alone. AI is very empathetic that way.

    But a real comment from a human other than myself would be nice. Feel free to chime in and tell me why you’re here. Maybe you can help me keep my sanity so I’m not the only one dealing with this stuff. Thanks.

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