Take a wild guess

Take a wild guess as to what my horoscope is for tomorrow:

6.3.19: “Your blind optimism can leave your common sense in the dust when you evaluate your latest scheme. It’s disappointing if a theory of yours fails to line up with reality or your expectations of it, especially while the fickle Gemini New Moon messes with your 9th House of Higher Truth. Use the energy of your frustration to reframe your ideas. Don’t give up; stop playing the blame game or shaming yourself over previous failures. Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” “

You really can’t make this stuff up. Should I quit while I’m ahead? Chuck my humorous optimism? I mean this is my actual horoscope and here I am writing this new blog about all my failures. Are they reading my mind up there in the stars or is reality just a fallacy?

Sometimes I wonder just how much control I have over this life, let alone success with the Shopify e-commerce thing. 

Maybe we’re all actual bots and somebody up there is moving us around like little chess pieces for their amusement.

Does it really matter what I do? Seems my humble life is planned out for me. Maybe we’re all just stardust bots.

That’s ok. I already mentioned and expect that it’s like I’m writing on Mars. The planets just aligned to make it so. Sweet of them isn’t it?

If you’re reading this, I guess we’ve colonized Mars together. I’d say hello, or aloha, or Buenos Dias but I really don’t know what the greeting is on Mars. So just let me say, “Hey. Pretty nice view from here, right?”…There’s my blind optimism. Take that horoscope. I’m just gonna keep writing even if it fails to meet my expectations. Too bad. So sad. You’re stuck with me.

Incognito Guy

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