The snark has started

Anyone who is an entrepreneur or who wants to do anything for that matter, probably gets a bunch of snark from family members.

If you have children, you’re on a whole other level of receiving snarky comments.

Let the peanut gallery begin.

My child, when told of said blog and the avatar I created of Incognito Guy, says to me:

“You know people only go incognito to watch porn.”

“Yes,” I say. Yes, I know… Crap.

Obviously I should have stayed incognito at home too. I can’t win.

I just can’t win.

And incognito guy is very handsome I think. Someone would pay a lot to see him in porn. He wears a cool hat. And the Harry Potter glasses. I mean. I’m no JK Rowling. But hey, I bet even she would think Incognito Guy is a cool dude.

Porn she says.

Get your head out of the gutter people.

We’re talking Shopify here. I don’t care if there’s some documentary out right now talking about how all ecommerce started because of porn.

This has nothing to do with Incognito Guy.

We’re just here to vent about business. Really stupid shit. Nothing so serious as porn. Hell, I think I’m blowing my G-rating avatar by even saying that word.

Come on people. Business. Shopify. That’s what I’m talking about.

And said child? Has zero interest in reading my blog anyway. Why did I even mention it? Nobody gives a flip. That’s why I’m writing it. I know this already. So I’m writing this for myself and a few poor souls who can relate. God forbid. I’m so sorry.

I am venting to myself. Nobody will read this. I’m on Mars. I’m not spending a single dime on promotion.

I’m writing into the ether. I mean you can share it. If you want. But mostly, I just need to vent.

If you’ve found me, you must be in some alternate universe and we have learned to time travel or something.

I was thinking Incognito Guy and Anonymous might be the only two friends on the internet. Everyone else is full of snark. And righteousness. Okay, maybe not everyone. But have you read the news lately?

Grim. So we make shiny pretty stores full of crap to sell to cover up the fact nobody is getting along and the world is self-destructing with politics and climate change and god knows what all I’m leaving out. I’m trying to do a public service here people. This is a positive site. E-commerce problems? Piece of cake in comparison.

Feel free to try to inspire though if you think I’m ever too negative. Ha! That’ll happen. Yeah no. Seriously. Vent to me people. That’s why I’m not writing this on paper or offline. I do exist. Somewhere out there.

So I’m signing off with my handsome new avatar. I don’t care what said child said. He’s cool.

Incognito Guy

Ps. I love the ease of ONE single image in the image library. Minimalist. That’s what you’ve got here. Shopify Power, the Apple of e-Commerce rants. Whatever the heck that means.

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