Another tidbit? Shopify wholesale

Wholesale? Yes wholesale. Did you know you can offer wholesale pricing on your Shopify store? Yes you can. I didn’t know that.

I found out because I was looking at pricing for a Shopify store. I bet you thought the cheapest Shopify store is $29. There’s actually a $9 a month Shopify Lite plan.

Looking at that lead me to wholesale pricing. I swear. There’s always something new to learn. Shopify is so powerful.

It’s a good thing and a bad thing because the more powerful something is, the more features there are, the more it sucks you in and you can lose site of the basics.

You still have to do the basics without worrying about what all you can do. Different if you have a team of employees, but when it’s just you? You have to stay focused. Not easy. Everything looks tempting. Everything seems like an awesome idea.

See now I’m wondering if you could tweak wholesale to be some sort of club membership. I don’t know. There is so much you could try to do. So much to research.

They should teach this stuff in school. I bet if they taught elementary kids this stuff, they could pay their way through college. They’re smarter than us.

Instead of an allowance try setting up your kids with a Shopify site. It’s better than mowing the grass these days. Heck people have rock gardens for yards instead of grass in half the country these days anyway. I mean yes, technically it would have to be your site and you’d have to monitor it but if your child has any entrepreneurial aspirations, empower them. Who knows what the workforce will look like by the time they graduate? I’m just sayin’. Give them a head start. Sure, teaching them to code is awesome. But teach them to be their own boss? Priceless.

Icognito Guy

Ps. Oh, and that wholesale option is available for Shopify Plus evidently. If you have a retail store you can use this thing to streamline and merge inventory for all of your locations. Just a thought. And yeah, you have to be huge to do the wholesale thing. That Shopify Plus plan is currently $2K/month plus 2.15% and 3o cents a transaction so it’s for the big guns. Not something you can set up out of the box. But it’s good to know it exists. Aspiration and all. But it’s almost better that you can’t do it too fast. Because you gotta focus. Knowledge is power though.

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