The Shopify, Facebook and Instagram integration saga continues

Call me crazy but I’m still trying to figure out the technical reason why things are supposedly approved by Facebook and Instagram and yet not working with Shopify.

The kind people at Shopify are doing their level best. No kidding. They have the patience of a saint. Every single one of them.

I may get frustrated but their customer service is top notch. I don’t know who does the hiring but they need a raise. And if Shopify goes public? Buy their stock. Oh, wait. They already are. Buy their stock. They know what they’re doing.

And what they’re doing is trying to pick up the slack for the lack of customer service at Facebook and Instagram. (Sorry “Slack”…no relation.)

I thought maybe I figured it out. A little bit of knowledge is dangerous. So I called Shopify again.

This kind soul thinks that the entire glitch may just resolve itself within a week when the Facebook bots crawl around and figure out I’m the admin.

I’m like they don’t know I’m the admin? I created the page as admin under my user name? How do they not know.

So the technical people at the higher level of Shopify are taking a peek. I supposedly should hear something within 3 business days.

If they can’t find anything wrong on Shopify’s end, then the game plan, is wait for it…

Completely disconnect my page from Shopify for Facebook and Instagram (which I already did once).

But the step I did not do was to go into Facebook and manually delete 3 different business tool apps that connect with Shopify. So I’m to go into and from there manually delete the API stuff that may be talking apples and oranges to Shopify regarding my old page name.

It could be that the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.

It may magically right itself. It may not.

If it doesn’t, I go in delete everything from Shopify and Facebook’s side both and then reconnect them and pray that they get approved again.

I say pray because there is no rhyme or reason for approval despite the lengthy terms and conditions.

I was not eligible for tagging and then magically I was eligible for tagging in Instagram. But guess what? If the tagging doesn’t function, it’s as if I am still not eligible. So it’s possible that I have to roll the dice again and hope for the best.

It feels like every single person at Shopify has their little tiny bit of experience and knowledge that may help. The guy that had me disconnect and reconnect my pages did not tell me to go manually delete everything in Facebook as well. That’s new information.

And I’ve not read that in all my troubleshooting and Googling of these issues either. Maybe that’s the magic. Maybe the magic is just time. Maybe I’ll just wake up and it will be fixed. Ha!

Stranger things have happened. I’m trying to stay positive here.

And you know what? If this isn’t meant to be, then I’m going to have to try to do something else because this is getting ridiculous.

Good thing I still have shiny ball syndrome because it may be what keeps me sane. If I only ever had one idea? If I could be so lucky. Then I’d have the focus I’m supposed to have but I feel pretty well focused right now. Right now I feel like I am a dog with a bone and I’m doing all I can to run with it. Let’s see.

If you’re having your own Shopify and Facebook and Instagram integration and approval problems are you feeling better now? You’re not alone. And this is ridiculous. But you didn’t hear it from me.

Icognito Guy

Ps. I read a guy worked on this for a month to get it working for his wife. I think I told you that. A month. I hope one that it doesn’t take that long. And two that I still have hair on my head by the time this over. Why do you think I’m wearing a hat?

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